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STM32F103 I2C using DMA with MPU6050 got stuck after some readings?

Ansic 121
Associate II


I am using STM32F103 interfaced with MPU6050 over I2C with DMA.

I am using CubeMX generated code.

If I simply use


function then it works fine.

I am reading this for my quadcopter and needs faster loop time so decided to use DMA.

I generate DMA enabled code using CubeMX and use


function. but then got stuck after 5 readings with constant data.

Googled alot and tried different solution but non of them worked.

Any suggestions? What I am missing?




>>Googled a lot and tried different solution but none of them worked.

So perhaps instead of people re-explaining methods you've already tried, you could perhaps enumerate them more specifically.

I'd recommend using a logic or protocol analyzer to better understand the mode of failure observed at the pins.

I2C+DMA on an F1is likely to be a lot of fun.

Check for error status returned by the DMA functions, or flagged by the I2C/DMA peripherals.

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Ansic 121
Associate II

Unfortunately I didn't have any logic or protocol analyzer and debugger?

What can I see is just printf over UART.

It got stuck just after 5 readings