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STM32L4 nucleo board programming problem

Associate II


I have a STM32L476RG nucleo board.Recently when I tried to program it using keil I found some error messages and I was unable to program it.

I found that LD3 LED is glowing .Initially when the board was programmable it was not glowing.

I am attaching error messages of keil 5 and stlink utility.Please help to solve this problem.


Try pulling BOOT0 pin High

What is the firmware version in the ST-LINK?

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Associate II

Is there any way I could know what is the firmware version of stlink.I don't know what version of firmware my STlink have.

Doesn't the version show up in the transaction window of the ST-LINK Utilities, or if you click the "ST-LINK" button. There should be an Update Firmware option there which should tell you what you have and give an option to upgrade, or not.

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Associate II

Thank you ,keeping the Boot0 pin low worked for me.I was able to erase chip fully while keeping the boot0 pin low.Now I am able to program the board using keil.