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Hi, I have made a code in keil using CMSIS for 16x2 LCD.I am not able to get corresponding data according to data send on the data port.I was unable to identify the problem. I have checked the data the GPIO port is getting is correct,but LCD...
I am trying to blink an led on stm32l476rg nucleo board using CMSIS core and startup file in Keil.I am able to run the Timer2 ,it runs untill it overflows .After overflowing I am trying to clear the SR register in the Timer2 interrupt but after the t...
I was working on i2c using STM32L476 nucleo board.I used stm32cube to make a code for keil.When I generated the code and programmed it in the board i found that the oscilloscope was not showing any clock on it .Oscilloscope's channel1 was connected t...
I have a STM32L476RG nucleo board.Recently when I tried to program it using keil I found some error messages and I was unable to program it.I found that LD3 LED is glowing .Initially when the board was programmable it was not glowing.I am attaching e...