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Hello , I am trying to write a USB OTG FS code from scratch (in Device mode) .At this point i can receive and send control transfers .For the Device Descriptor and Set address commands there seem to be no issue but with the Configuration Descriptor t...
Hello,I am trying to output the HSE to a GPIO PA8.I want to do it from scratch and have added this code to the HID example from ST. RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN; // Enable GPIOA clock GPIOA->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODE8; // Clear the...
Hello, I am writing USB OTG from scratch for a Nucleo-f439zi. Till now I have managed to make it reply to some Setup requests, to be more specific it replies to Device Descriptor and set Address , ( I am currently figuring out Configuration request w...
HelloWe are using the Nucleo-f439zi (STM32F439ZITbu microcontroller) have s...
Moved from MPUs forum as STM32F4 is an MCU. Hello, Im trying to write the USB code from scratch. I have written the code that enables and initializes the usb OTG and I can confirm that it receives SETUP packets in the RX FIFO.  I am receiving the GE...
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