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Hello,I am using STM32CubeIDE to implement an application under FreeRTOS on a STM32F107 chip installed on an Olimex board.I also need a USB communication with a PC computer to exchange commands and data between our software on both sides (application...
Hello,I have an Olimex board with an STM32F107 cpu on it.It start in the bootloader and I can upload firmware to it.For this I use CubeIDE and CubeProgrammer.I need to give USB support to my application so that to communicate with a PC.In CubeIDE, I ...
Hello,- I am new to the STM32 software suite- I have a (professional) project to develop with fast analog acquisitions that also involves a dialogue with a computer via a simple USB cable.- I am evaluating an Olimex model STM32-H107 board on which is...
Hello, I am using STM32CubeIDE to compile under FreeRTOS a project to download in an ARM STM32F107VCT6 component installed on an Olimex board.I am new to using STM32CubeIDE.At first, I just want to run a very small program on the component to make a ...
Hello, I am a beginner with STM32IDECube.I have just installed Version: 1.16.1 Build: 22882_20240916_0822 (UTC) which seems to work.I am developing a program with the STM32F107 processor as a target.Everything works so far except that now I want to i...
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