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After I updated ST-Link to firmware version V2J43S7 through STM32 Cube Programmer, I can't connect it to my laptop and program my STM32 F405 Feather board. I have attached the error message to this post.
I want to read the serial output from the STM32 F405 Feather using the SWV on Cube Programmer, but I do not receive Serial output from the board. I am running the .hex file from this Arduino sketch on the board: #include <SWOStream.h> SWOStream s(200...
I'm trying to use Arduino 2.3.2 with an STM32F405 board and I configured it to use these recommended settings, but I can't open the Serial monitor for the board. It can connect to my laptop and even upload code successfully, but I can't access the po...