User Activity

Hi all,I would like to know if the use of the NUCLEO-L031K6 board is compatible with the STM32L021Fx MCU that I intend to use for a project of mine and in general if it is compatible with all the STM32L0x MCUs.Thank you for any response.Sisto Zànier
Hi all,I just updated STM32CubeIDE from version 1.13.1 to version 1.13.2. OK installation, but when I launch the App, the second splash windows shows up in a strange way, i.e. it is mirrored both horizontally and vertically, as visible in the attachm...
Hello, everyone,I have a problem with ST Visual Develop, version 4.3.12 (See attachment 1)If I launch ST Visual Develop as administrator, I am not allowed to enter debug mode, but I get the message: "** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]...
Good morning, everyone,given the dramatic situation on semiconductor availability and sourcing, I would like to know what the future holds for the STM8 family.Supply times at distributors are discouraging, to say the least, and the official ST websit...
Hi there,On a battery-powered board using the STM8l050J3, in order to reduce at the minimum the power consumption, in Active Halt mode and using RTC wakeup, (at a few tens or at most hundreds of uA) as indicated, I want to disable Vrefint.To do so, d...