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Hi everyone,I'm encountering a problem with my STM32 project where I need to use both LTDC for display and audio playback (via FATFS). The issue seems to stem from a conflict in clock configurations.My setup:     MCU = STM32F469i-DiscoThe problemWhen...
 Hi everyone,I'm currently working on developing an audio player with a display interface on the STM32F469I-Discovery board. I've got both the audio and the display working on their own. However, when I try to use both at the same time, I get an FR_D...
Hello,I'm currently trying to program an STM32F469I-Discovery REV-B-01. I'm using the BSP files from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.28.0.What I want: Just a white screen with "Hello World" at the top. What I'm facing: Look at the picture. This is my Code:  BSP_...
Hello everyone,I am currently working on programming the display of the STM32F469I-DISCO using X-Cube-TouchGFX.What I want to achieve:I aim to create a simple application that displays a button in the center of the screen, just to test the functional...
 Hello,I am currently programming an STM32F469I in STM32CubeIDE (I am a beginner with STM) and I am facing some issues.What I want: I want to read WAV file data from an SD card and send it to the AUX output so I can hear it on my headset/speaker. Cur...