Hello,I need confirmation that the Hall Delay in the below waveform i have taken is 180Degrees. Hall sensors are 120Degrees apart as below in the diagramI find the motor running in reverse direction.
I have designed a board similar to B-G431B ESC1 kit and using the FOC code from the motor control work bench. But at present i have an issue where the Gate to Source Voltage is equal to Bus Voltage (VDC) instead of the 12V. What could be the problem?...
Hello,I am using the internal pull up for the input pins, but when read the port status using the program, it always reads 0 instead of 1. I expected it to read 1 and if make that pin grounded it shall read 0.
I am facing the problem of data integrity, the logic is something as shown below i am taking the CAN rx data from the interrupt and processing in while loop.
uint8_t g_candata_u8=0;
int main(void)
I have been trying to resolve the issue for receiving the CAN interrupt but not able to find the root cause.Hardware is a custom board micro is STM32F405RGT6 i am using CAN1 for CAN communication with 500 Kbps.Able to transmit message CAN message usi...
The problem is because of the below setting in motor control work benchI have now updated to 20ms and it works i have kept the charge boot capacitor duty still to 0%, i plan to change that as well to 50%. I am not sure which value to be kept.
At present i did not give provision for external pull up resistor, i want to use the internal pull up feature of the micro. If i want to make the pin low then i provide a ground to detect switch pressed.Switch not pressed -> micro internal pull up ->...