Hello,I am using the internal pull up for the input pins, but when read the port status using the program, it always reads 0 instead of 1. I expected it to read 1 and if make that pin grounded it shall read 0.
I am facing the problem of data integrity, the logic is something as shown below i am taking the CAN rx data from the interrupt and processing in while loop.
uint8_t g_candata_u8=0;
int main(void)
I have been trying to resolve the issue for receiving the CAN interrupt but not able to find the root cause.Hardware is a custom board micro is STM32F405RGT6 i am using CAN1 for CAN communication with 500 Kbps.Able to transmit message CAN message usi...
At present i did not give provision for external pull up resistor, i want to use the internal pull up feature of the micro. If i want to make the pin low then i provide a ground to detect switch pressed.Switch not pressed -> micro internal pull up ->...