I'm simply trying to do:res = f_open(&fil, "file.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);but nothing is created despite the return message. Could it be my SD card? I'm able to read from it in 4B mode.Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I've got a similar problem on the Nucleo-U575ZI board. It always times out once I get to FX_STM32_SD_READ_CPLT_NOTIFY(). I used the same SD breakout board with the L496RG a couple of weeks ago and I got it to work. I'm using the Fx_File_Edit_Standalo...
It turns out that it was as simple as enabling hardware flow control in the MX. I had been unable to get it to mount without the clock divider being 4, but I imagined that may have been creating timing issues as I see the recommended value is 0. May ...
I was able to use return successfully from FATFS_Link Driver by copying:Disk_drvTypeDef disk = {{0},{0},{0},0};within FATFS_LinkDriverEx. However, having returned successfully from this function, I'm no longer able to mount. I'm unable to debug beyon...