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Our product is based on an STM32WB5MM. On the STM32WB, we have privacy enabled and use the filter/acceptance list.When the filter/acceptance list is not enabled, we want the device to be able to connect to a Garmin device. Unfortunately, the device d...
I'm having issues with a project based on an STM32WB5MM where some devices fail to operate BLE (like advertising, for example). The project integrates SBSFU and BLE_ota. I'm reviewing the linker files and I see differences in the management of the BL...
Currently, the STM32CubeProgrammer CLI allows loading keys into the second CPU of an STM32WB using the wusrkey command. For example, we use it in combination with SBSFU. This command currently requires a path to a file containing the binary key.My re...
We have an application running on an STM32WB55M. This user application makes use of standby mode, and the device is able to exit it when the configured pin changes state.However, once the SBSFU is integrated with the BLE_ota application, the user app...
Hello,We are developing a product based on a STM32WB5MMG. We have configured the SBSFU with OTA (Asymmetric with AES encryption scheme). Everything is working great and I have only one question that came to my mind during the last commit...The CBC ke...
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