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Hellohow to save (int, float...) values, in non-volatile memory on a riverdi RVT70HSSFWCA0 screen. It has an external qspi flash. Can you give me some simple basic examples or a demo file? I think we should use HAL FLASH? and the code should be put i...
When a condition is validated, for example clicking in the middle of the scroll whell (flag == 1), how to change page, I can't do it? I've tried several things but I can't find anything explicit and clear in the posts or tutorials. 
HelloI want to make a scrollwheel as a menu, when the user clicks on the central image, the window changes.By following tutorial 4, I managed to adapt it to my needs.How to do so that when the user clicks on the central image, the window changes. I w...
How to simply send a value in a text or numeric zone (textArea)?
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