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I encountered this problem when I attempted to send a one byte command using HAL_SPI_Transmit(..), and then trying to read 2 byte response from Miso, using HAL_SPI_Receive(..)My test code is plain as follows, no intterupts, nothing connected to SPI p...
Cube IDE started to lock on starting this morning. Progress bar moves to approximately 60% then stops there. Is that a general problem? I have removed and re installed it( Version 1.4.2), but result is same. When I return to CubeIDE V1.3.0 there is n...
Time to time cubeMX configurator includes c files in multiples, which I can clear by deleting one of them. But cubeMX insists adding multiples again in each regeneration. In freshly generated projects it doesn't do so. That issue appears only when I ...
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