User Activity

I'm working on some code to wake up from Sleep or Stop mode when a low ADC value happens.I found this post which gets me almost all the way there
I've been working on a project that involves classifying accelerometer data for activity detection. I have some python code that generates a trained model in both keras and tflite formats. Initially I was developing with a NUCLEO-G070RB board. With t...
I'm trying to get an accelerometer connected to my Nucleo-g070RB. I've got the STEVAL-MKI164V1 board with a LIS2HH12 on it.The problem I have is I always get either zero of 0xFF when try to read the device ID (WhoAmI) which is not correct.The 2 board...
The STM32CubeMX AI tool has an option to compress a model. Is there any way to get compression to work on an quantized model? I'm guessing the answer is no because when I try with a .tflite or .onnx model it complains that only float or double is sup...
In the TensorFlow model optimization docs they talk about reducing model size with weight pruning and weight clustering. Will either of these techniques help reduce my flash requirements for running my model using the STM AI tools?I've been experimen...
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