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For an STM32H747i-DISCO board (800x480 lcd), I have used TouchGFX Designer v4.22.1 to create a very simple project with a box and static graph. The white box was maximized to the full screen. The static graph was untouched.I imported this project int...
I'm using an STM32H747i-DISCO board with CubeIDE v1.13.2.My first clue that the ARM DSP library wasn't loaded was when the #include "arm_math.h" file wasn't found. It is not in any of this project's folders. I did manually copy the file into the proj...
I have created several projects in TouchGFX Designer v4.22.1 - each with a unique 'Application Name'. I'm using the STM32H747i-DISCO boards (dual-core MCU). When I import any of these into CubeIDE v1.13.2, they always show up with this type of struct...
It was difficult to learn how clone an existing project for a dual-core STM32H747i-DISCO board. Here are the steps that I used (after much researching and trials and errors):1) Copy the existing project folder called 'OLD' into a new folder called 'N...
When transmitting with a UART on this H747 board, a sent string will only get through two characters before HAL_UART_Transmit() hangs. No matter how I format the string (e.g., with or without snprintf() ), this same behavior occurs for UART8 and UART...