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HiI configured UART-2 to respond to interrupts.If i use the RealTerm to write to the COMPORT of the STM (through the USB cable), the ISR works.But, if I use usb-uart adaptor connected directly to PA3 (the UART-2 Rx pin), the ISR is not called.If I re...
HiWe are using the DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1.USART-5 uses pin PB3 for Tx, is this pin not available on the LoRa development kit ?Is there a way to re-route the USART-5 Tx pin or access it ?thanks
Hi I have been trying to activate the callback function for the pushbutton in the SubGHz PingPong example, but with no luck. I am using the BSP_PB_Init() to configure the pushbutton: void BSP_PB_Init(Button_TypeDef Button, ButtonMode_TypeDef ButtonMo...
Hi I am trying to create SubGHz project using STM32 Cube. When I choose the bl072cz-lrwan1 board, although this is an eval kit for LoRa, and has a PingPong example which uses LoRa and SubGHz, yet I can't find any option for SubGHz or LoRa in the midd...
HiDoes Cube IDE support multiple carets using mouse or keyboard shortcuts ?thanks
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