User Activity

Good morning,I have a doubt regarding the behavior of the "HAL_FDCAN_GetRxMessage" routine of the HAL for the FDCAN peripheral.I am using an STM32H563VGT6 microcontroller.From what I can observe by inspecting the code, it seems that when overwrite is...
Hi,this is myproduct code STM32H563VGT6. I am configuring the FDCAN2 module.In particular the bit time using the filed below of the init structure of the HAL handler:hfdcan2.Init.NominalPrescaler (NBRP+1 of register FDCAN_NBTP)hfdcan2.Init.NominalSyn...
Hi,this is my MCU code: STM32H563VGT6. I'm working to a porting from Texas to ST.I need to efficently use the two Rx FIFO (3 messages depth) of the FDCAN module. In Texas I had 32 mailbox divided into transmission and reception.Each FIFO has four buf...
Hi,I'm working on download an ".elf" file on MCU without using the CUBE Programmer Application.I need to start the "STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe" from any folder path, other then the default:C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgramm...
Hi,I need to remap my code in SRAM for my custom Bootloader.This to be able to erase the flash dedicated to Bootloader when the Bootloader itself needs to be update.I used __attribute__ ((section(".RamFunc"))) on the functions declaration in my code....
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