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I want to support two variants of a product in the same codebase, but select the appropriate screens at compile time to avoid redundant code in the binaries. I considered two separate .touchgfx files but that doesn't work because they write over top ...
I have just upgraded my project from TouchGfx 4.22 and on rebuild I get:(.text._ZN8touchgfx8LCD16bpp19DecompressorRGB_QOI16blitCopyARGB8888EPKhRKNS_4RectES6_h+0x31c): undefined reference to `touchgfx::paint::flushLine(unsigned long*, int)'C:/ST/STM32...
I am using an STM32L4R9 driving a 2.1 inch display with double buffering. I have many screens with widgets, direct transitions between them work fine. I have just started using a wipe transition. Occasionally streaked lines briefly appear (the screen...
I'm using TouchGFX 4.19.1. My speedometer gauge worked fine originally, for a 390x390 display. I need it to work on a 480x480 display so scaled up the background image and needle image and resized the gauge widget. Now I struggle to centre the needle...
I have a board based on the STM32L4R9 Discovery board. A key difference is that my board has Micron external flash (MT35XL512ABA1G12-0SIT) rather than Macronix (MX25LM51245GXDI0). The ST-LINK programmer fails to erase my flash, presumably because the...