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How to build an external loader for ST-LINK programmer for Micron flash

Associate III

I have a board based on the STM32L4R9 Discovery board. A key difference is that my board has Micron external flash (MT35XL512ABA1G12-0SIT) rather than Macronix (MX25LM51245GXDI0). The ST-LINK programmer fails to erase my flash, presumably because the OCTOSPI timings are different. It appears I have to build a custom external loader as I don't see one in

I am struggling to find the necessary timing data for the Micron flash. Has anyone done this already?

Associate III

Yes I'm happy to, but I think the proper way is by pushing to a fork of the ST repo? If you can advise I'll find the code, give it a scrub and push it.

Ashvin Ramani
Associate III

@OLync.1​ Thank you for your reply.

Fork of the ST repo might take a longer time.

I need it urgently and if you can share your email then I will give my SharePoint access to you where you can push the source code.