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I recently wrote some code with the help of stack exchange regarding an MQ2 gas sensor. I needed to alter the code to use DMA as the MCU I'm using for the project only has one ADC channel. My goal was to measure the ADC value of the MQ2 sensor along ...
I recently have been working on a custom board with the stm32f030f4p6 for a gas sensor project, I just got it to bootload successfully and blink some LEDs so now I'm using the ADC channel to read values from it and converting it to a voltage level fo...
I am using the STM32F030F4P6 MCU and ST-Link V2 with tag connect (6- pin for SWD) and am having trouble bootloading the board. I have tried multiple configurations, with this one being ST-LINK GDB server:STM32CubeProgrammer v2.12.0 ...
A few months ago I made a post regarding a PCB I designed (see post here: where I used the STM32F030F4P6 MCU. I planned on boot loading this MCU ...
Previously I posted on this forum as I was having trouble converting the gas sensor ADC value to voltage.That problem has since been fixed, although I seem to be running into a new issue where my WS2812 RGB LED won't turn on, and the PuTTy monitor is...