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I recently have been working on a custom board with the stm32f030f4p6 for a gas sensor project, I just got it to bootload successfully and blink some LEDs so now I'm using the ADC channel to read values from it and converting it to a voltage level fo...
I am using the STM32F030F4P6 MCU and ST-Link V2 with tag connect (6- pin for SWD) and am having trouble bootloading the board. I have tried multiple configurations, with this one being ST-LINK GDB server:STM32CubeProgrammer v2.12.0 ...
A few months ago I made a post regarding a PCB I designed (see post here: where I used the STM32F030F4P6 MCU. I planned on boot loading this MCU ...
Previously I posted on this forum as I was having trouble converting the gas sensor ADC value to voltage.That problem has since been fixed, although I seem to be running into a new issue where my WS2812 RGB LED won't turn on, and the PuTTy monitor is...
Currently in the process of coding an MQ5 gas sensor, right now I was able to get the ADC value to appear on the serial terminal using PuTTy, but for whatever reason the voltage value always produces zero. I tried also changing the formula to have it...