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Hello, Have you ever seen the "N" suffix at the part number? Is the first time I see it. It seems to be some pinout differences, but... it implies any more differences?Thanks!
When I debug a specific project I see that there is a big mismatch correlation between the “Debug Current Instruction Pointer�? (The blue arrow that highlights your next instruction to be executed) and the text. That means that maybe the debug pointe...
Hi, If you set a timer in Output Compare in Mode "Toggle" and assing a Chanel to a pin of your uC you can make it toggle when CCRx == CNT. That works just fine, as expected. My question is: when you configure the Mode of that Channel to “Active on Ma...
Hi, I’ve a problem trying to setup breakpoints. At any code line where I try to setup a breakpoint, it does not matter which, neither if it’s the main.c or a library, it just keeps telling me “Breakpoint installation failed: unmatched quote�? as you ...