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Beginner question here: The widgets that can be selected in TouchGFX designer have standard sizes (small, medium, large). How can i create a widget with a non-standard size? Is there an example for this?
I went thtough the process of creating a simple ToughGFX example with the STMCubeIDE-TouchGFX Designer toolchain. I am doing this for the STM 32F469 Discovery bpard. In the STM Cube section i made sure ToughGFX is enabled, i selected the correct inte...
Hi is it possible to create the white gradient haze on the inside of the 2 progess circles. I f yes how to do this? Thanks a bunch,Eddy
Hi,Does anyone know how to solve the compile issue below.Thanks,Eddy1>------ Build started: Project: Application, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Using ImageConvert to generate BitmapDatabase files1>Creating compile items for all generated source ...