2019-12-07 10:10 PM
I went thtough the process of creating a simple ToughGFX example with the STMCubeIDE-TouchGFX Designer toolchain. I am doing this for the STM 32F469 Discovery bpard. In the STM Cube section i made sure ToughGFX is enabled, i selected the correct interface (serial) and used the correct reset pin PH7 and made sure i have the correct screen size 800x480. The project compiles without errors. When i debug it on the board i get a repeating noise pattern. See attached picture.
I did the same exersize for the STM32F746-disco board and that works fine. (with different settings of course).
what am i missing?
2019-12-09 1:06 AM
The display is showing the contents of the framebuffer and is most likely doing that just fine. just to be sure you can try and redirect your framebuffer to point at a static picture and see if that works.
if yes, then it's something with the SDRAM connection. the framebuffer is stored in SDRAM and if that connection is not working then you will get something like this.
2019-12-09 6:11 PM
Thanks for answering. I did some more testing. When i generate an example project in TouchGFX designer for the 469 board and use the "Run Target" option (bypassing the IDE) the display works fine. But when i create a project in the IDE first, do all the setup, go into TouchGFX designer to create something, then back up to the IDE and then run debug from the IDE, the display shows the noise pattern. It seems to me that the intialization by the TouchGFX designer is correct. Are the initialzations done by TouchGFX and initialization done by the code generated by Cube/IDE different?
2019-12-09 10:30 PM
Well, no, but actually yes.
look at the generated code from the designer and compare the initialization with the one generated by cubeMX. They should be the same but they aren't. at least for QSPI and I've heard that they also differ on the DSI interface. haven't checked though because I don't have the need.
(Wouldn't it be nice to have a preconfigured project to work from?)