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I've reviewed numerous similar posts and the UART_TwoBoards_ComIT example, but have found no solution. My code is being generated by Cube 6.6.1 for the STM32F446. The UART5 Global Interrupt is enabled. My code and the example code both contain UART5_...
I've tried using IAR and the Segger Flasher to program an STM32G070. However, neither programmer will reset the MCU, so that I do not need to cycle power to run the just-download code? I've seemingly tried every type of Reset. What am I missing?
My readings from the ADC are lower than expected. I am using an external Vref. Vref is OK. ​I ran HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() after waiting tADCVREG_STUP . The Reference Manual says  the saved calibration factor is "internally applied to the ADC".C...
​The ADC is configured as shown below. TIM3 is configured: 200ms, Count Down, Auto-reload Enable, MSM Disabled and TRGO=Update Event. HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback() is called once at the apparent end of the first sequence with good data on each channel. ...