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Hi Guys.I want to send data to UART using DMA. Every 3transfers I want to generate another DMA request to transfer data from the timer CNT register to memory. The documention of the DMAMUX is basically impossible to understand. They have lines and si...
I have deleted fip image for my board and have no idea how to rebuild them bitbake -c clean <image>does not help
I wrote u-boot video driver for my board. Everything is fine but I cant find the place where STMLinux disables the DSI power loading the kernel. Has anyone succeeded in keeping the u-boot splash screen on during the boot?
Is there any way to enable and disable drivers in the kernel from STM32CubeIDE? For example to enable support for another LCD panel If I use menuconfig to change configuration, make does not work anymore.+ case "$command" in + exec make -j12 all *** ...
Hi Guys. I want to increase memory allocated to the eclipse, but I cant find the eclipse.ini fille. Could you direct me into a right direction?