User Activity

I am using external flash for  TouchGFX resources and also for saveing some parameters.  I am doing the saveing of parameters in runtime with following code (emulated eeprom is in external flash):  void eepromCtrl(){ uint8_t EEpromQueueFillLevel = u...
I am using Stm32CubeIDE 1.12.0 and would like to install the latest touchGFX  generator (4.22.0) but it is not available in Embeded software package manager...             
I am using Stm32CubeIDE 1.12.0 and would like to install the latest touchGFX  generator (4.22.0) but it is not available. 
I am using external flash (16Mb) for TouchGFX resources (normaly in memory mapped mode). I would also like to save some parameters to external flash in runtime while using the application. Bellow is current code handeling writing to external flash (u...
I want to export texts.xml to .xlsx with running the following comand ruby translations.rb export texts.xml texts.xlsxthe problem is that it never finishes I left it running more than 30 minutes. Text.xml was generated by TouchGFX 4.21.2.This was wo...
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