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Hi,I have a problem with an 24LC64 EEPROM, it is not a bad chip because i have tried 2 on diffrent boards. I am using the STM32G0B0  This are my I2C settings:I am using this libary : only get 255 ba...
Hi all,I have an system that reads data form an external ADC via SPI DMA, i send the StartConversion CMD and when it's done i get and IRQ so i can read the register. I also have an UART communication that polls every 2sec for the new data, I have the...
Hi all,I have a piece of code that does DMA on a UART port. This DMA i read in an buffer and i reply in 1 msSometimes i dont get the incomming UART message. I wanted to confimr this with the debug mode and reading the buffer with "live expressions". ...
I have a Nucleo board with a new MCU, base board is the Nucleo-G070RB. Now it is a ST link with a STM32G0BORE. I have a problem with the internal bootloader where i cannot upload a new program via USB DFU. There is no hardware problem because VCP wor...
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