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Hello, I would like to use the NUCLEO-WL with Sigfox and LoRaWAN in the code as proposed in the workshop (youtube video : MOOC - STM32WL workshop - 6 LoRaWAN and Sigfox coexistence). However, the zip project is not part of CubeWL. Thus, How can we up...
Hello, I'm using git with my project based on a CubeWL example. After wanting to add this gitignore and delete unnecessary files (i.e. examples that I don't use, but I kept the drivers of course), it doesn't work anymore... ...Git/STM32WL55/STM32Cube...
Like you can see here: The LED is On so I have in aRxBuffer 13 10... (I see these values with an oscillo also..) but we can see it in the memory window...The memory window is broken ?Thank you
Hi, I tested the board with the UART_TwoBoardPolling but I don't succed to turn the user button 1 into the user button 2. The LED stops blinking but nothing append. With the debugger, it is going somewhere but i don't see where... maybe hardfault ?
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