I am using ST’s Motor Control Workbench (MCW) version 6.3.2 to control a sliding door. I am using PMSM as motor and FOC as control method. PMSM has 10 pole pairs and there is a 1024 ppr incremental quadrature encoder on it (has not index pin). I am u...
We are trying to control a 24V PMSM using ST Motor Control Workbench (MCW) version 6.3.1 with the FOC in order to control a sliding door. We are using “Position Control” as the control mode.We are using Nucleo-G474RE, STEVAL-IHM023V3 and X-Nucleo-IHM...
I am trying to control a 24V PMSM type motor using ST Motor Control Workbench version 6.3.1 with the FOC.I have run Motor Profiler and then gotten the electrical and mechanical parameters.I have three questions and can anybody help/answer them?I am r...
I am trying to control a 24V PMSM type motor using ST Motor Control Workbench version 6.3.1 with the FOC. I use the position control method as the control method. Tuning PID parameter is given in AN5464.Although i tried to tune the PID parameters man...
A 24 VDC, 10 A AC/DC converter design has been done using the eDesignSuite on the ST website. In this design, L6566B controller has been used. After production of the prototype converter, we tested the converter using loads 4-5 amps. There was no...
We are using IPAN80R280P7 MOSFET. Our transformer specs are given in the attached pdf. We had this transformer produced by a local Turkish company. Regards.
1. Transformer leakege value 1.84 µH may be difficult in order to be manufacturing. If possible, increase this value. This means you have to reduce the ac input voltage range.2. Although it is not explicitly stated in the schematics diagram, do not f...