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I am essentially experiencing the exact same issue as this poster.  I have a single conversion registered, on ADC1 channel 13. It works great for ages, and then the RCM_execRegularConv function gets "stuck" waiting for end of conversion.   I am runni...
I am attempting to enter the system memory bootloader and reload my microcontroller via DFU on USB.  I am having great difficulty getting it to work - I will detail the things I've tried below:I have tried entering the bootloader via software and als...
I have a MC Workbench generated project for the NUCLEO-401 that's working great, running in position control mode.  Is it possible to switch in realtime between position control and torque/speed control?  I'd like to home my motor by applying a known...
I have PM-SMPSM motor that I'm trying to get to spin with the STSPIN3201 - I seem to be able to configure the project in the MC workbench, generate code, and load it onto the micro through CubeIDE just fine - but no matter what I do, the motor moves ...
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