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I'm using a rs485 IC. I transmit and receive data through it. When I send small amount of data like 10-20 there is no problem but when I try to receive more than 40 HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle makes nonsense. It receive data different then what I send o...
Hi everyone,I'm using STM32g491 and rs485 modules. I'm trying to transmit data from uart1 with DMA when I receive data. There is a dilemma it transmit data but also does not? When I try to send a buffer which defined on stm's code, it transmits but w...
  void rs485_gelen() { memset(dnm,0,0); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(DNM_EN_GPIO_Port, DNM_EN_Pin, 0); HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT(&hlpuart1, dnm, 100); } void HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint16_t Size) { if(huart->Instance == ...
I use MAX9611 to measure current. It has 2 register to read current. 12 bits divides 2 bytes. MSB(8 bits) and LSB(4 bits). I tried to read only MSB but I couldn't, Can anyone help me? Note: there is no externall pull up res, I configure an internal p...
Hi everyone,I write a function to start all other functions without any parameter like Start(); in while, but in this funciton I write different function like thisvoid Start() { if(huart->Instance == USART1) measure(tx1_buffer); ...
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