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STM32 SPI Slave example for sending data from Raspberry PI(slave) to STM32 as master

Associate III

Hello ,

I am trying to interface STM32(master) with raspberry PI 4B(slave)

I am first referring the example and checking if there is any slave transmitter example in the STM32F4 code repo.In every STM32 SPI example i have seen there are three folders 

- SPI_FullDuplex_ComDMA

- SPI_FullDuplex_ComIT

- SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling

Inside the reade me I see the connection diagram, there Is no CS connection. Only MISO, MOSI, SCK.

Wich example I can use or my purpose.Is there any example for at least the Slave Side which can initiate the transfer ( may be asserting the IRQ line to master and then the master receiving the data from slave?

In all the examples provided there is no such case ( no such IRQ which can inform the master and then the master lowers the CS and STM32 slave can send data to STM32(master) - maybe I will use it for my scenario if it is there)

Please let me know or guide me.

How can the master know how many bytes are being sent (dynamically) or is it that we to hardcode this number(bytes Recieved) on both the master and slave side?

I have been stuck in this for weeks.
