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Hello!I have faced the problem with ADC checking using DMA on my F446RET6 MCU. The software tools are CubeMX 6.7.0 and CubeIDE 1.10.1. The Firmware is FW4_1.27.1. Perhaps, it is my mistake, but i canntot understand how to fix it. Here is the simple p...
Hello!Updated to the cubeMX 6.6.1, migrated project to the new MX version. Board is stm32f401CCU6. SPI1 was used as a TFT display port. The TFT graphic library ( stopped working in DMA mode. Investigat...
Hello!Configured 3 input channels to be checked by two ADCs in fast mode. First ADC request works perfectly, but all next request ADC2 data is not synchronized with ADC1. It seems, ADC2 stops incorrectly and continues to change the channels.Here is a...
I am trying to create PWM signal using DMA channel using circular buffer. TIM2, channel1, DMA1_channel5.I have created the configuration using CubeMX. Then I have investigated the HAL_DMA_IRQHandler() procedure called by DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler().If...