2022-11-16 6:33 AM
Updated to the cubeMX 6.6.1, migrated project to the new MX version. Board is stm32f401CCU6. SPI1 was used as a TFT display port. The TFT graphic library (https://github.com/sfrwmaker/TFT_graphic_library) stopped working in DMA mode. Investigated the issue: created very simple project: filled the 24-bytes buffer with a random color codes and started the HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(). No data transfer on the logical analyser (CS, MOSI & SCK pins were changed to zero). Tried to delete all the source and header files generated by cubeMX, regenerated the project.
2022-11-18 5:55 AM
Hello @sfrwmaker,
First of all let me thank you for posting.
Could you please provide the *.ioc or the project you are working on so I be able to investigate the issue.
I assume this question may help you to solve your problem.
2022-11-25 11:18 AM
Sorry for delayed answer, i was out of my computer. Today i have tried to reproduce the issue in my virtual machine. The cubeMX version is 6.6.1, cubeIDE 1.8.0, FW is F4_1.27.1, The project can be found on dropbox, https://www.dropbox.com/s/ks43jmjb9tc56e1/F401_TFT_SPI.zip?dl=0
Unfortunately, this time everything is working properly. I am going to update the cubeMX on my main computer to reproduce the issue. Will update the topic soon.
2022-11-26 8:14 AM
Sorry one more time. Everything is working smoothy. I have updated the cubeMX on my main computer. Yet, i have forcibly uploaded the F4 firmware archive. No issue detected. Sorry for wrong request.