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Hi All,As is the topic. Maybe someone else is stuck with the same problem?I wasted the last few days trying to find why my code is giving wrong (to low) temperature readings but it looks like a device limitation. I try to isolate the test case but in...
Hi all,Afer copy/paste of project cubemx .ioc file name is not updated accordingly and cannot be opened.Manual updating name of .ioc file is fixing this issue.Regards,Pawel
Hi all,Is there any way to save SWO output to file using any official STM product?Best scenario would be to use st-link server.As we can have SWV it in STM32CubeIDE would be nice to have a option to save it to file.Regards,Pawel
Hi all,I am trying to create simple makefile project in CubeMX for stm32g431. After executing makefile I get error:/home/pawel/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.1.0/Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h: In function '__get_CONTROL': /home/pawel/STM...
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