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Press and release button



I need help to implement a function for some buttons, that every time a button is pressed a CAN message will be sent and when the button is released the CAN message will be sent again.

It has to send a CAN message for falling and rising edge (doesn't matter the time between falling and rising time), and I don't want to configure GPIO as GPIO_EXTI.

Thank you.


Accepted Solutions

What I mean is something like the following code (GPIO-PinState can also be replaced by uint_32):

GPIO_PinState ButtonStateCurrent;
GPIO_PinState ButtonStateLast = GPIO_PIN_RESET;
while (1)
  ButtonStateCurrent = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_Port, GPIO_Pin);
  if (ButtonStateCurrent != ButtonStateLast)
      ButtonStateLast = ButtonStateCurrent;
  // any delay

BTW: the code will be better readable if you use the button Code Snippet = </> below.

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ST Employee

Well, if you do not want to configure GPIO as GPIO_EXTI, i.e. you do not want to work with interrupt, you have to work in polling mode:

  • declare pin status as a variable and set it to the start state (e.g. not pressed = 0),
  • query the pin status in a simple while loop (e.g. via HAL_GPIO_ReadPin) and compare it with the variable mentioned before,
  • if changed, store the status in the variable and send the CAN message

Does it answer your question?



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Thank you @Peter BENSCH​ 

Would you please complete the following code based on your suggestion.

BT1 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_Port, GPIO_Pin);

if(BT1 == 0 && ...)


//Button is pressed

Send CAN; //send CAN only once


if(BT1 == 1 && ...)


Button is released

Send CAN; //send CAN only once


Thank you

What I mean is something like the following code (GPIO-PinState can also be replaced by uint_32):

GPIO_PinState ButtonStateCurrent;
GPIO_PinState ButtonStateLast = GPIO_PIN_RESET;
while (1)
  ButtonStateCurrent = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_Port, GPIO_Pin);
  if (ButtonStateCurrent != ButtonStateLast)
      ButtonStateLast = ButtonStateCurrent;
  // any delay

BTW: the code will be better readable if you use the button Code Snippet = </> below.

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Thank you so much @Peter BENSCH​ 


Would you please look at this question and if you could answer it, @Peter BENSCH​

Thank you.

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