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Hello all,Whenever I try to update a Live Expressions value while the program is running, the debugger hangs (no update, no way to pause the execution).If I pause then update, it works (but of course this is no more a "Live" update).I use JLink. Any ...
Hello,Using LiveExpressions produces a large amount of unwanted console output like "Reading x bytes @ address 0xxxxxxxxx".Is it possible to disable such console output when not needed?Thank you in advance.
How to get USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS properly defined?Defining it in User Constants in CubeMx, puts the #define at the bottom so stm32l4xx_hal.h cannot see it defined, and it does not work.
Posted on April 06, 2018 at 15:13Does anybody know where can we purchase the LCD that is used on the STM32L476G-DISCO (GH08172T-B)? Or a compatible one?
Posted on October 09, 2017 at 12:22 I created a project with CubeMX 4.1, with a STM32F411VCTx. CubeMX generated a PLLN value of 100, which for RM0383 is correctsince the minimum PLLN value is 50: VCO output frequency = VCO input frequency ×...
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