2019-05-01 2:31 PM
Firstly, Thanks for nice ide to St Employee.
I have little problem when I work System workbench Ctrl + Left Mouse Click goes function source code. But STM32CubeIDE When I Ctrl + Left mouse click only goes function header. I want to function source code... is it bug or any settings ???
2019-05-06 7:04 AM
Thank you very much, we hope you like the IDE!
Now, to the problem:
As long as you have the source code it will jump to the source code with Ctrl + Left Click.
However, if you don't have the source code in your project (for example a library) then it will go to the function header.
We haven't made any changes from how it works in both TrueSTUDIO and System Workbench.
2019-05-07 3:03 PM
Thanks for reply Markus.
Actually source code is avaliable and source file also is open in the editor.
For example in uart hal driver file header and source code is open. When Ctrl+Left Mouse Click goes directly header file. I click it again it doesnt go source file. So I can find manually but , it become time is wasting...
Maybe there is a selection or setting but I couldnt find.
2023-03-28 2:46 AM
Hello did you find a solution to this? Having the same problem.
2023-11-08 4:15 AM
is there any solution??
2024-07-17 10:43 PM
Dear ilyaz yilmaz, I tried Project>clean and build it again. It starts working. Try it.
2024-08-25 2:19 AM
Uninstall VIATRA apps.
Help->About STM32CubeIDE->Installation Details
Select VIATRA components and uninstall (one by one)