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Hi all   Is it correct that the flashing of STM32C071CB is not quite readily available?  I am using the newest stm32cubeprog, version 2.18.0, or Keil MDK version 5.41.   In both cases, I have tried to make a connection to the captioned MCU but I got ...
Hi allSTM32CubeIDE v1.16.1firmware package: cube FW_C0 V1.2.0I use the IDE to start a new project with STM32G071 on its discovery board.Just simply configure PD0, 1, 2, and 3 as inputs with pull-ups.  All other aspects are using IDE defaults.code gen...
Hi allRegarding the current release for STM8:COSMIC STM8 C Compiler Special EditionVersion: 4.6.1 Date: 31 Jan 2024Just to report that the current version of Cosmic C compiler on STM8 break the code snipplet attached.With the MOCKUP undefined, the co...
Hi In my MX setup, using STM32G070CB, I tried to allocate PB11 as ADC_IN15 and PB12 as ADC_IN16. Funny enough, the PB11 & PB12 pins are changed in yellow colours, While PB10 as ADC_IN11 bears no problem with the normal green colour allocated.Hoverin...
Hi allI have recently changed my computer, and reinstall STVD for the development of STM8 applicaiton.using cosmic compiler. In my old computer, I used to set up breakpoint by just double clicking the very left column (where line number appears) at ...