2020-08-11 3:17 AM
Hi, I bought TESEO-Liv3f module from mouser. when i made the PCB i was not able to get NMEA information and not even GPS coordinate. I checked if there is connectivity in my board and found out there is connectivity between RX and GND. I tried another TESEO-Liv3f module as stand alone so it is not on the PCB, when i checked the pins using multimeter on the module itself i found out it has the same problem RX of the module connect internally with GND of the module. It looks like it's manufacturer issues. or what?
Best regards
2020-08-11 4:30 AM
Like there's a pull-down resistor or a diode?
NMEA data should be coming out the TX pin, would go to the UART RX pin of an MCU.
Show a schematic of the circuit you constructed.
2020-08-11 5:00 AM
Hi, the problem in not with the schematic the problem is with the module itself. I just took the module alone without any soldering and without any PCB and checked the RX pin and it is connect internally with GND. I bought another module from Digikey and it doesn't have this issue. But i still have problem with the other one, I can get NMEA data but not the GPS coordinate. I am connecting TX,RX to Arduino TX,RX