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I have a STM32H730 Project, using CubeIDE V1.17.0. Code executing from the internal Flash.I have located some functions into ITCM,added a new .itcram section to the linker LD fileadded __attribute__((section(".itcram"))) to my functions I want in ITC...
Having just opened a STM32 Cube IDE project from 2024 (which did build and run last year) now when I build and try and debug I get this error messageFile segment @0x08000000 is not 255-bytes aligned. It will be aligned to @0x07FFFFF8 So, using my ori...
I have a STM32H730 device, with a STLINKV3-SET connected via SWD (3 pins).When I Connect using STM32CubeProgrammer I get the following popup message;Error: Database: There's no active configuration for this device. All the 4 configurations are disabl...
HelloI have a custom board with a STM32H730 and SD Card connected to the SDMMC peripheral, quad lines. I'm using the FatFs file system as added in CubeMX.My question is why does the file write rate drop after the first file (open/write/close) unless ...
If you're still not seeing any "ITM printf()" output in the SWV ITM Data Console and you've checked the following;the SWO signal is connected to the ST Linkprovided a _write() function that calls ITM_SendChar()ticked Enable Port 0 in Seral Wire Viewe...