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I`m using an encoder on STM32G4 series to set speed of the pump motor. I have values between 0 and 100. I set autoreload value as 200. I`m looking for the solution to avoid counter autoreload. I mean, when counter goes to 200 - it stays 200 instead o...
I have a question about connecting of the SMPS V15SMPS pins. From the datasheet we see, that the V15SMPS_1 and V15SMPS_2 pins are connected internaly. But, on the "Figure 6. SMPS step down converter power supply scheme" they are alco connected extern...
Posted on January 14, 2018 at 15:36Hello everybody!Is there a limitation for length of HTTP request? I mean for <path&queryopts> in HTTPPOST/GET. 
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 14:30Hello, everybody.I want to use HTTP client mode. I should send the next message: api/Tokens?username=test&password=123456789&serialnumber=123456789to the server:https://messagebus.example.comand get the response. I...
Posted on November 30, 2017 at 09:37Hello everybody!Is there a possibility in SPFW04 to POST and GET via HTTP not only from RAM, but from external SD card? Another question is whe i can`t create file bigger than 15360 bytes on external SD card?