2017-11-30 12:37 AM
Hello everybody!
Is there a possibility in SPFW04 to POST and GET via HTTP not only from RAM, but from external SD card?
Another question is whe i can`t create file bigger than 15360 bytes on external SD card?
2017-11-30 1:26 AM
Webserver (HTTP server) receive a request, then loops to find the file among all volumes. Example: 'GET index.html ' will result into searching for index.html into as 0:index.html, then 1:index.html, then 2:index.html, and 3:index.html. So, volume #0 (SD-Card/SPI Flash) has an higher priority than volume #3 (APP_Disk).
AT-Commands (HTTP client) accept the full path, including ':' to specify the volume number.
15KB is the size associated to RAM_Disk only (FW1.0.0); since FW1.1.0 you can decide this size too.
2017-11-30 2:57 AM
So, in FW1.0.0 i can`t create file bigger than 15Kb on SD card?
2017-11-30 5:45 AM
On SD-Card you can do what you want. No limits in size.