I would like to use the WKUP 6 (RTC_WUT_S) to wake up from Standby mode. I am already using WKUP 7 with a pin so I need the RTC to be in safe mode.What would be the best way?
After entering in Stop mode 2, it wakes up by RTC or EXTI2 using those functions: __HAL_RCC_RTCAPB_CLKAM_ENABLE();
HAL_ResumeTick(); When I load the program w...
The input voltage source is a 4.2V battery with a voltage divider and the analog signal is correctly referenced to VSSA.About the project, simplifying the code to this, the same thing happens: HAL_ADC_MspInit(&hadc1);
I have changed the code to: __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE();
HAL_PWREx_EnableVddA();I have implemented HAL_ADC_MspInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc) function and the calibration.But i still have the same problem. The weird thing is that above 1.6V more or les...
Hi @RomainR. (ST Employee) It is a custom board.I am using the ADC1.The microcontroller is STM32U575CIU so it does not have VREF. VDDA is 3V3 and the connection is done with the recommended capcitors: I am using the polling method and this is the ch...