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I'm trying to measure distance in a very dark environment. I'm using long-range distance mode. Suddenly, the sensor started sending error 4. What can cause this and how to fix it?Fixed, caused by an issue in the code.
I'm using a VL53L1X ToF sensor to measure distance with the Ultra Lite driver. I've lowered the signal threshold to 400 because that value seems to cover most valid measurements. When I read the current signal value using GetSignalRate(). When my sig...
Dear,What are the best practices for the people counting algorithm regarding range status? I often get status 2, so I lowered the signal threshold to 400. This reduced it, but did not solve it completely. What status codes should I allow, and which o...
Dear,I want to implement a people counting algoritme using the VL53L1X ToF sensor. I want to build my own PCB for it. I found out that when the sensor is rotated by 90 degrees (gold filters in a row), the edges of a door are measured better then when...