2022-03-01 8:30 PM
I am also attaching the error file from STLINK utility. Can anyone help to sort this thing out.
2022-03-01 8:39 PM
ST-Link Utility is NRND status. Does it work with STM32CubeProgrammer?
2022-03-01 8:57 PM
We are facing same issue with STM32CubeProgrammer.
2022-03-01 8:58 PM
We are getting write protection error and core halted errors so how to solve this issue.
2022-03-02 1:09 AM
When you use the ST-LinkV2 embedded on the board, what do you get?
2022-03-02 5:36 AM
As first why you dont do , what is in red on image. Change mode from Hotplug ....