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STM32CubeProgrammer version 2.16.0Target STM32G0B0RET6, device ID 0x467, Rev Z, 512KB flash, bootloader 0xD0When loading a large bin file (425kB), the programmer tries to erase 65364 sectors! There's only 256 sectors in target, and the image only nee...
STM32G031 SPI in 3-wire half duplex mode. When reading data (BIDIMODE=1, BIDIOE=0), how can I tell when I have clocked in a complete u8/u16?Neither RXNE or FRLVL appear to get updated until I stop the transaction.I have it working by using a delay in...
Is there a Windows PC app that can read/write ST25DV04KC memory using a generic ISO15693 USB reader such as the Omnikey 5022? I've tried wakdev nfctools, it can see the tag but can't read memory. ST25PC-NFC uses an expensive Feig reader, I'm looking ...
Hiya, I'm a bit of an NFC newbie, looking for advice on which NFC Reader IC to use, ST25R3911B or ST25R95.We have a product that uses a ST25DV04KC tag for config data, and I'm designing a handheld tool for configuring these products. Pretty basic stu...
HiForgive me for being dumb, but how do I include ST flash library code (functions to configure and program flash) in an STM32CubeIDE project?I expected to find it in the ioc device configuration tool, along with system core drivers (DMA/GPIO/IWDG et...
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