Hello @jcmoreau ,CKI0 and CKI1 can work simultaneously. However, make sure that both CKIx output are enabled: 1. In CKGCR register, make sure CCK0EN and CCK1EN are set2. In CKCGR register, ensure CCK1DIR and CCK0DIR are set (pad direction is output m...
Hello @carloV ,Please try again by entering following parameters in Libraries (removing "lib" and ".a"):arm_cortexM7lfdp_matharm_cortexlfsp_matharm_cortexM7l_math Please make sure the link to libraries are also correct.Best Regards,Gwénolé
Hello @Brussl ,The DMA configuration is done in stm32h5xx_hal_msp.c. This file is part of the Src folder of your project.It should be part of the function "HAL_ADC_MspInit". Please , let me know if it answers to your question.Best regards,Gwénolé
Hello @BBurg,Unfortunately, Analog Watchdog is linked to ADC instance and could be configure for a single channel only or all channels in the same time.There is probably a way to change the High Threshold on-the-fly based on DMA triggered by ADC but ...