2011-03-30 3:52 AM
I've tried to look for a Modbus RTU version for the STM8s.
It seemed that nothing exists yet. So I decided to write a tiny version of it for the only purpose of the most basic RTU functions that do the job, which are function code 03 = READ HOLDING REGISTER function code 16 = PRESET MULTIPLE REGISTER I already tested a preliminary version of the code with several MB RTU masters (taken from the web). As soon I'll will make the code available if someone is interested. Good job Stefano #uart #stm8s #modbus #rtu2011-04-03 10:59 PM
Hi Stefano,
if needed, I can test your Modbus implementation.
2011-05-15 5:46 AM
I would be interested in converting it to STM32 once you are done. Marco2011-07-02 11:25 AM
Hello, I'm very interested in your project. I'll be very grateful, if you give me your sourse code of this modbus project.
2012-10-19 7:12 PM
2013-06-18 2:32 AM
Hi Stefano,
I'm so interested by your project. Can you send me your work please. Thanks2014-05-26 3:15 AM
Hi Stefano,
I'm interested too in getting your code. How can I get it?ThanksAndrea2015-01-23 12:45 AM
2019-01-18 2:07 PM
You can take source code from this link: https://github.com/hwswdevelop/ModbusIrControl. It is not modbus library, but you can use source code from there. It is Modbus RTU/ASCII light switch module (Source code for ST Visual Develop & DipTrace Schematic & PCB included).
2019-08-21 3:48 AM
Can you please share the code on my email id sajitsingh1996@gmail.com